Friday Mash (with a little help)

This might be messy – just need to brain dump to try and figure this out. Thanks again to the Godfather of Mashed Libraries @ostephens for his help!

The problem(s):

intraLibrary RSS feeds point to resource “in the wild” rather than the record on Open Search. Like this:

Owen helped me put together a simple pipe that took this feed and used regex to replace an identifier from the record and redirect to the Open Search URL (which is built from this identifier. Like this:

So far so good…however, when I originally defined my Application Profile for research in intraLibrary I used multiple instances of <lom:description> with the first holdong ISSN (frustratingly missing from intraLibraries Bib extensions) and the Abstract held in a second instance of <lom:description> meaning it isn’t exposed in an RSS feed.

So…I thought that if I used an SRU query instead as a pipe input there would be a lot more data to play with in Pipes and hopefully I would be able to build a better RSS feed – including author and abstract.

After some initial problems with Pipes taking an SRU input, Owen responded to my plea for help with this pipe that extracts title and abstract from the SRU by defining the path through the XML to the relevant fields and mapping them to title and description:

However, I still need to figure out how to link the title to the respective record on Open Search. There is a link in the XML but this is no good as, once again, it points to the resource in the wild rather than the record on Open Search…somehow I need to use the identifier to build a link to the respective record on Open Search.


And frankly now I’m a bit stumped again – the regex function from the first pipe presumably needs to be in there somewhere…first vague attempt (doesn’t actually return any output – but this is a brain dump!):

Ongoing RSS issue

To cut a long story short, I run RSS feeds from intraLibrary through Yahoo Pipes to redirect to the metadata page on Open Search –

However, due to the way I initially mapped intraLibrary LOM, the abstract is held in a second instance of the description field so my RSS feeds are just title (I’ve got ISSN in the first which I hide)…sure there must be a way to produce an RSS feed from an SRU query including this field using Yahoo Pipes…this is the SRU query:

Anybody help?

End of a pipe dream?

I’ve been enjoying exploring Yahoo Pipes and have now managed to generate a feed for OER that also incorporates the author vCard; I’m sure it must also be possible to extract other data including rights information (though I’m not quite sure how!):

(vCard not visible in the Pipe but is displayed if the Pipe is rendered as RSS)

It also occurred to me that it may be possible to use a similar method to extract the abstract for research RSS feeds (which is in the second description field) and I’ve been grappling with Pipes to this end but am struggling at the moment – tantalisingly I am able to construct a “Path to item list” that returns an individual abstract but for the life of me, can’t figure out how to return abstracts for all records – SRW:records.SRW:record.1.SRW:recordData.lom:lom.lom:general.lom:description.1.lom:string.

I’ll certainly continue to use Pipes as it’s a very powerful tool, especially for a non-programmer like me, however, for the time being this mini-project is postponed. Nothing is ever wasted though and I’m sure what I’ve learned will come in useful somewhere down the line….

Pipe dream

This afternoon I’ve been grappling with Yahoo Pipes, trying to generate a feed that incorporates metadata from an SRU query.  I’ve made a modicum of progress and, as I’m now a bit stuck, this is just a quick post to document that modicum before it all leaks away over the weekend.

The Pipe module that seems most appropriate is “Fetch Data”: “This module retrieves any XML, JSON, iCal or KML file and tries to extract a list of elements using the provided path parameter.”

I input an appropriate URL to query “ukoer” which will return all OERs uploaded as part of UniCycle:

And read the instructions here which describe how to use the “Path to item list” field in order to extract just a portion of the data by listing the nested XML elements, separating each with a dot (“.”)

After a bit of trial and error I was able to zero in on the “Description” field for the first record by entering SRW:records.SRW:record.0.SRW:recordData.lom:lom.lom:general.lom:description.lom:string.content into “path to item list”

However, when I attempt to run the pipe, nothing is returned  – though the correct field IS displayed correctly in the debugger panel:

Also, what I would like to do of course, is to return the “Description” field for ALL records but I have no idea how to achieve this…I’ll have another look when I’m nice and fresh on Monday morning!